enfin's reality, photography

let’s play catch-up

hi, how are you? i’m good thanks for asking.  and just in case you forgot, i’m enfin and this is my blog which has been neglected for the past month and a half or so.  i must apologize on many different levels, but as i mentioned in the recent past, my life has taken a turn that i did not expect.  i don’t mean that in a negative scary sense, in fact it’s a really good change- much needed, and much appreciated.  i contemplated ending this blog- taking an extended hiatus if you will, and it seems as if i did- but that’s only because my precious laptop broke in the midst of exams, and also because the holidays came and went, and then just this past week i celebrated my birthday.  classes are in full swing again, i’ve made it my resolution to stop procrastinating- to get things done on time, to be efficient, to be productive, the be the student i’ve always been.  a side note- my other resolution is making blogging the most regular of duties.  from santa i received a nikon dx 3000, which is making the photography aspect much easier on the eyes.  so expect regular posts once i get my new macbook air (in three-four days).

i miss blogging more than you would assume.  i’ve been writing restaurant reviews, adapting recipes, and i have so much to share on vin et grub it’s surprising- seeing as i usually have limited material.  i miss having an outlet to the outside world, one where i can say what i need to say, acquire knowledge that inspires me to take on new projects, and give me that extra little oomph that gets me through my days.

the other reason why i haven’t been blogging, besides exams, winter break, and a broken laptop is because i’m spending my time with cherished and loved ones (this is my way of saying that i met someone… and i now have a boyfraan, who i must add, is ridiculously spectacular and understands me better than most).  i have this life that i’ve cultivated, one that i’ve been yearning and one that i’ve finally received after seventeen years.  relationships in my family are the best they’ve been in a long time, and it’s not everyday (although for the past two and half months it has been) that i wake up smiling and i fall asleep smiling.

i was really pleased this past birthday- entering my seventeenth year to receive twenty friends at a semi-surprise party.  as a capricorn, i need to be involved in everything, i hate outright surprises, and i like to lead, so it’s only customary for me to have had part in planning my own party.  but it was the best time i’ve ever had on a birthday.  a reservation for 21 at local 188, paella, quail eggs, steak tartare, chocolate chocolate cupcakes, goat cheese salads, scallops, braised short ribs, culinary feats conquered.  the best company i’ve ever had, and just all around smiles and good vibes.  i spent last evening in boston, where we had a reservation at petit robert bistro, and enjoyed good conversation, culinary excellency, and family time.  i’m headed home to portland today to spend time with my peach, and then i guess i’ll sleep a good sleep all to enter another week at the flete.  but i must say, this is the absolute happiest i’ve been in the past two years, and i’m just in this euphoria- this absolute bliss where everything is fine and dandy, where i’m looking forward to the next day just as much as i’m enjoying the moment.

tell me how you’ve been! tell me about your resolutions, your holidays, your fresh start to 2011.  i want to hear it all.

